July 2020 Lady Badgers with Kate Phelan and Laurie Horton (PMBA board)

This month’s Lady Badgers event featured inspirational guest speakers Kate Phelan from Soul Ride Bikeshop and Laurie Horton from both the PMBA- board and KAOL (Kick Ass Old Ladies) group. Sami Doyle and Camryn McKelvey, both PHS alumni racers turned PUSD coaches, also joined us alongside Lucy and Claire Villanueva + Merceda Hedge from the PHS bike team and other Mile High female coaches like Sabrina Gray and Lorrie Nebrig (who also gifted the girls a super cool basket to store their helmets/gloves/etc in). We even had a female foreign exchange student from Japan stop by to see what this mountain biking thing is all about! Great job Lady Badgers, and thanks again to our special guests, coaches, and mentors!



Mile High Middle School



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