Location descriptions (red dots, see Trailforks route map for trail names etc):
- Start/finish line: encourage riders to keep pedaling hard through the lap and all the way past the finish line on their last lap
- Right before the first big climb: encourage riders to punch it up the hill, easy access via service road (purple line on Trailforks map)
- Piccadilly junction, right after the first big descent at a tight corner: encourage riders to keep their speed down into the singletrack and up the Four Steps climb, accessed via a blue trail called “Red-Green Switchbacks”
- Shortly after completing the biggest climb of the course (Four Steps trail): encourage riders to keep going fast on the downhill, accessed via a green trail called “Pioneer Park”
- Entering the final downhill stretch: encourage riders to maintain speed and energy until the very end, accessed via a green trail called “Pioneer Park”
Link: Trailforks route map